Measuring implicit associations of self-concept with health or illness attributes may offer valuable insight into the mechanisms entailing the perception of one’s own health, as explicit measures of self-reported health are usually influenced by social desirability or response bias. In this study, healthy participants performed a modified version of the implicit association test (IAT) investigating implicit associations between the self and either health or illness related representations. Behaviorally, implicit associations dominated for self-health pairing, and their strength was inversely correlated with depressive traits. Neurally, concomitant EEG recording showed significant modulations of the P1, LPP, and N4 components evoked by such pairings, suggesting a facilitation of sensory responses to self-related stimuli and differential emotional processes engaged to integrate health versus illness information into self-related representations. These data offer new clues to better understand the cognitive and affective mechanisms underlying unrealistic optimism and pathological awareness of health conditions in various clinical populations.